Dealing with Women’s Sideburns

For the longest time, women have struggled with sideburns. It is the hair that grows on the sides of the face, in front of the ears. Although this hair natural, when in excess, it makes most women uncomfortable since it’s viewed as a sign of masculinity. While most women have to do away with sideburns, a few tame and let them grow out.

Dealing with women’s sideburns can involve either getting rid of them temporarily, hiding them, permanent removal or growing them to a length and shape of your choice. You can cut, shave, wax, or dye to conceal them for some time. For permanent results, electrolysis or laser hair removal procedures are ideal.

The following is a detailed discussion on girl sideburns with photos, the removal methods, taming, styling, and how to grow them out, including concealing ideas.

Are female Sideburns Normal? Why do Women have Sideburns?

Yes, girl sideburns are normal and in fact, part of the natural hairline.  However, most women consider sideburns a masculine trait, hence they feel abnormal and uncomfortable if they have this facial hair. This has a lot to do with the dull-witted desire to keep up with the social norm.

Women have sideburns mainly because of genes. If you come from a hairy family, you’re most likely to be hairy too. While sideburns mostly have a lot to do with genetics, women can also develop excessive body or facial hair because of higher-than-normal levels of androgens, including testosterone, a condition medically referred to as hirsutism.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the chief cause of hirsutism in women. According to Healthline, Adrenal gland disorders such as adrenal cancer, adrenal tumors, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing’s disease also cause hirsutism.

Besides hormonal imbalances, excessive facial hair growth can also result from taking some medications including

  • Minoxidil
  • Cyclosporine
  • Testosterone
  • Anabolic steroids

Female Sideburns Photos Celebrities, Dark & Light Skin

Girl sideburns do not always look bad. Some are super cute. Below are photos of women, including celebrities, with sideburns.

Female celebrities with sideburns
Celebrities with sideburns
Cute sideburn
Cute sideburns @nauranas
Female sideburns Photos-Asian girl, dark & light skin
Sideburns on light and dark skin

How to Get Rid of Female Sideburns

Most individuals prefer using temporary means such as cutting, shaving, plucking using cream or epilators. Waxing can buy you time to over three months without these facial hairs. Temporary procedures are cheaper and often much easier than professional services.

Cutting Female Sideburns with Scissors

For women with hirsutism, cutting the sideburns is an easier option but the hair will eventually gain back, thicker and darker. You will have to cut the hair every now and then. Here are several options you can use to cut female sideburns.

How to cut women sideburns with scissors
Hair Scissors

Sideburns longer than one inch can easily be trimmed with scissors. Not the usual kind, there are small types that can easily navigate the face to reach the sharp corners. Simply use two mirrors to see where you’re cutting and begin chopping

Girl Sideburn Shaving

Just like any other form of hair removal option available for body hairs, you can also shave your sideburns. It’s fast, easy, and cheap. However, it has drawbacks such as razor bumps and ingrown hairs, which are unpleasant for facial hair. It’s not a good option for oily skin as well as one is more susceptible to pimples.

Shaved sideburns
Shaved girl sideburns

Using an Epilator

An epilator is a mechanical tool fitted with multiple mechanical arms fixed with one to three razors. This tool allows you to tweeze many hairs at a go, effectively and efficiently. However, it can be painful to use. Therefore, purchase a suitable epilator, small in size if it’s for use on your face, and water-resistant.

Epilator for sideburns removal women
Braun Epilator


  • An epilator: Braun
  • Clean water
  • Washcloth
  • Tweezers


  1. Start off start cleaning your face gently using water and soap. You can use a cleanser, toner, face wash or scrub, but ensure your face doesn’t get irritated as it will be more painful to use the epilator.
  2. Hold up you back hair into a ponytail using an elastic band to highlight the face, especially the sides (isolate the sideburns)
  3. Trim any long sideburns hair, those longer than an inch long. This is just a way to smoothen the way for the epilator, not to say the mechanical too can’t. It can just as much trim over 0.5 millimeters of hair.
  4. Start running the epilator in an upwards direction towards the hairline. Glide it over the sides in the opposite growth direction. Be as gentle as you can to avoid trimming all the way up to your hairline.
  5. Repeat three times to ensure you capture all the hairs. Don’t push too much onto the skin. Wipe with a washcloth to see if there are any other sections unattended to.
  6. Tweeze the extra stray hairs on the hairline or you can simply leave them if you so decide.
  7. Clean up your face and moisturize to tame the redness and irritation. Clean the epilator as well and disinfect with an antiseptic or an alcohol-based cleanser.

Another Epilation device worth mentioning is BoSidin. It precools the skin immediately before hair removal. This makes hair removal completely painless and safe even in the most sensitive areas.

At home Epilator

Using Hair Removal Creams

Hair removal creams also known as depilatory creams are also quite easy to use. They use chemical compounds that dissolve the protein in your hair, hence the hair loosens from its follicle.

However, they can be quite dangerous to use on skin, especially the face, due to its sensitivity. Hence, it’s recommended that you get creams with aloe vera or vitamin E extracts.

As usual, it’s safer to test for any allergic reactions or severe skin irritations. Conduct a patch test by applying the cream on the inside of your forearm.

Wait for the prescribed time of three to six minutes, scrape off the depilatory cream and await another 24 hours. If you don’t see any visible chemical reactions on the skin like rashes, pigmentation, or burns; then it’s safe to use.

Facial sideburn hair removal cream
Avon Hair removal Cream


  1. Begin by checking the area around the sideburns for nay cuts, scrapes, burns or anything else that could have adverse reactions to the depilatory cream.
  2. Pull back the hair into a pony to ensure you don’t accidentally cut hair you didn’t mean to.
  3. Clean up the area you want to apply the cream including the hairs.
  4. Trim any long hairs so you can apply a smooth paste over the remaining sideburns.
  5. Apply a thick layer of the cream onto the hair using the spatula provided in the package. Do not rub or massage it onto the skin.
  6. Apply on both sides of your face and let it rest for the give five to ten minutes. You can remove the cream earlier but not later as the sulfur contents in the cream will start to tingle your skin causing burns and other skin irritations.
  7. After the stipulated time, remove the cream by scraping with the spatula or wiping it down with a washcloth. Wipe generously and repeatedly to remove all of it.
  8. Final rinse with clean cold water and moisturize the face. Expect the sideburns to grow back in about a week’s time.


This is a rather painful and time-consuming process since you will be picking out the hairs one by one. The process involves plucking the hair from its roots, which will eventually grow back out.

Plucking has a major drawback; the likelihood of ingrown hair. When one is plucking, more often than not, the hairs can break causing it to grow back inside the skin.

Plucking after a warm shower or after a hot compress is much easier and tends to hurt less than it would otherwise.


Another excellent way to cut the sideburns is by waxing. Waxing is simply stripping a layer of wax from the skin to pull out the hair from its hair follicles. It’s very painful but the results last longer than shaving and using an epilator. It also has fewer side effects compared to the other methods.

Further reading: Waxing Facial Hair: Steps, Pros & Cons

Sideburn Laser Hair Removal

Laser removal is the process of using target heat to kill the hair follicle in its first stage of growth. This is a permanent solution to hair growth by using multiple hair removal sessions to kill the hair completely. this may take up to eight treatments to shed the hair fully.

This type of procedure works best on contrasting hair and skin colors, meaning those with dark skin and light hair or dark hair and light skin will best benefit from this procedure.

Those with dark skin and dark fine hair won’t see much results as the follicle won’t absorb the hair from the laser, rendering the procedure, useless.

The point of concern, however, you may need to conduct extensive research on the procedure, plus spare a substantial amount of money since it’s quite expensive. The effects either positive or negative are permanent.

You can also try out at-home laser hair removal technologies. Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser is a good place to start from. According to the manufacturer, this tool delivers over 3 times more hair-eliminating energy. It is portable and easy to use

Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser
Tria Laser


This process involves using a tiny probe that kills the hair follicle using a current of electricity. Much like getting shocked. Once the hairs have been shocked, the hair is then tweaked, never to grow back again since the electric current will have killed off its growing follicle.

An electrologist will have to check on the length of the hair, approve a certain number of sessions, which could be up to 20, then perform the procedure. This process is not biased in the hair and skin color, hence, it can work on anyone. Ensure safety at all times as infections and scarring can occur at any time during the process if the electrologist isn’t licensed or experienced.

Tips & Precautions

The face is a delicate part of the body hence, one has to be extra careful not to injure, damage, or hurt that area of the skin. Here are a few tips and precautions one should take note of.

  • Moisturize the face after removal of the facial hair. The area will most likely be sore. Hence, apply oil, lotion, cream, or powder to cool that section of the face.
  • Follow all the prompts and instructions indicated on the procedure. You want to follow all the right steps to get accurate results. It will save you unnecessary problems.
  • Avoid skin removal treatment if your face is already dry, irritated, or has sunburns, warts, rashes, or breakouts.
  • Consider getting waxed by a professional for the best skin results.

How to Grow Out Female Sideburns

It takes about four to six weeks for your sideburns to grow out to an inch long. If you want them any longer or thicker, then two months should be enough.

How to grow sideburns women
Cute grown Sideburns

For some of you, growing out of the sideburns is a hard task and can be rather stressful. If that’s you, then here are a few tricks you can use to hasten and encourage rapid hair growth.

  • Regular exercising – the more you sweat the more open your pores will be, meaning your hair follicles are also open for growth.
  • Reduce stress – stress factors in a lot of things including loss and gain of weight,  mental stability, and hair growth rate.
  • Keeping the face clean – grime, dirt, and oil buildup can hinder the sideburns from growing. Exfoliate your skin occasionally to encourage hair growth.
  • Quit smoking – the smoke can clog facial pores including the ones for your follicles.
  • Avoid regular trimming
  • Invest in massage oil to encourage the hair to grow especially if you have dry skin.
  • Include supplements in your diet like folic acid supplements. They promote hair growth.

How to Tame & Style Girl Sideburns

You style your sideburns by either trimming the short or long in a shape of choice. You can as well leave them tapered or pointed.

Styled girl sideburns
Short sidebuns with straight bangs

To tame your sideburns, always clean, oil and brush your sideburns. Check the video below for more ideas

How to Hide Sideburns under Wig

The easiest way to make your sideburns less noticeable to is to bleach or color them to match your skin color. If have a wig on here are some ideas to conceal the sideburns under your wig.

  • Wear wigs that match your hair color
  • Use latex or eyelash glue or latex glue (preferably spirit gum) to hold your wig hair over the sideburns.
  • Use a wig grip, a type of headband made of velvet on both sides that you put over your hairline, to hold your hair back without using an adhesive. You can also wig grip or wig cap with glue.
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