Rhassoul Clay for Hair

Rhassoul clay is a naturally occurring clay that has been in the beauty industry for ages. It is also referred to as ghassoul  clay or red Moroccan clay. It originated from Morocco, where it has been mined since the 8th century.

Rhassoul is very rich in minerals which makes it is an exceptional ingredient in hair care. It also has very high detoxifying capabilities compared to other clays.

If you are intending to use it for tresses, following are the benefits, some recipes on how to use as a hair mask and wash, plus some frequently asked questions.

Benefits of Rhassoul Clay for Hair

For multiple clays, their main attribute is its purification qualities. But for rhassoul, it is known for its moisturizing and softening features. This means that the clay can help with detangling and reducing frizz from the hair.

Other benefits include;

  • Reduces dryness – without strong absorption qualities, it can be able to maintain the right amount of moisture in the hair. This keeps it healthy and strong.
  • It aids in removing toxins and product buildup in the hair and scalp. After some time, your hair holds on buildup that blocks the pores from breathing – the clay can help with that.
  • It improves the elasticity of the hair, making it stronger and resistant to breakage.
  • Cleans the scalp from flakiness and dandruff.
  • Stimulates hair growth and strength.

How To Use It as a Mask for Hair Softening

Because softening and moistening the hair is its primary quality, here’s a guide on how to use the clay as a mask to achieve these results.


  • Half a cup of rhassoul clay
  • Six tablespoons of water or apple cider vinegar
  • One tablespoon of castor, almond, or coconut oil
  • Plastic, wooden, or glass bowl
  • Mixing spoon, preferably wooden


  1. Mix the clay, carrier oils, and a teaspoon of water in a bowl. Mix gently with the spoon
  2. Add the ACV and allow for the foam to settle. This should take less than five minutes.
  3. Check for lumps and add water for a smooth batter consistency.

The mixture is now ready for use. Apply the mixture to your hair, while it’s damp or wet. Apply from the roots to the ends. Once your entire head is evenly covered with the mask, let it sit for some minutes for the full effects. Finally, rinse with lukewarm water, shampoo, and condition as desired.

The mask should only be used occasionally, like once a week, to avoid straining the hair. You can also change the water temperature to warm so it can be like steaming. Finally, you can use lemon juice – it has been known to offer cleansing capabilities as well.

Red moroccan hair mask/wash Recipe

Rhassoul Clay Hair Wash + Recipe

For your daily wash, here’s a recipe that leaves you hair feeling soft and glowing in less than five minutes.


  • Two tablespoons of rhassoul clay
  • One cup of water and/ or apple cider vinegar


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a batter-like consistency.
  2. Wash you hair thoroughly using this mixture.
  3. Let it sit for about five minutes and rinse with warm water.

Because ghassoul clay has been said to have more reactive chemicals, here are helpful tips for your home use.

  • Use a non-metallic container when mixing the ingredients. This will avoid the metal element from reacting with the clay mixture, causing damage to wash or mask.
  • Use a wooden spoon to mix for the same reason as above.
  • For a softer, more curly feel, you can increase the portion of clay added to the mixture. Ensure the mix remains batter-like.
  • Thoroughly rinse the hair with enough water to ensure all the clay particles are removed from your scalp.
  • Don’t wait for the mixture to dry as it will be even harder to remove the clay.
  • For added shine, you can add particular oils such as argan or olive oil. Also, honey can be an option but you have to rinse almost immediately to avoid the sticking.
  • Adding essential oils can also improve the scent from the hair wash mixture.

Rhassoul Clay Side Effects

When used correctly externally, red Morrocan clay is totally safe. However, it may not be safe for skins that have known health issues.

When used in the form of a soap, the clay can affect chemically dyed hair especially hair that is colored with artificial dye. The mineral elements in Rhassoul clay react with hair coloring product causing color tarnishing. These changes may not be the actual desire of those using the soap

as a shampoo and hair conditioner.

This clay soap may cause hair breakage. The soap dries quickly when left for too long on the hair without being hydrated. This may also lead to a dry scalp When using it as a mask, ensure you mix the clay with enough water to prevent drying up quickly.

When compared with other commercial shampoos, natural Rhassoul clay has a higher PH. This may lead to dull and gummy hair.

Rhassoul Clay as Hair Conditioner

Yes, you can. Many people use clay as a hair wash or hair mask for different purposes. But because ghassoul clay moisturizes and softens hair, it perfectly fits the role of a conditioner. Furthermore, this type of conditioner is better because it will be free of chemicals, agents, preservatives, and additives.

As a conditioner, it will boost nutrients in your hair leaving it soft, healthy, and fresh. You can mix it with various oils or butter for added moisture. Here are examples of oils you can use.

Chemically treated, transitioning, or damaged hair:

  • Shea butter
  • Cocoa butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Argan oil

For lighter conditioning:

  • Jojoba
  • Coconut
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Avocado oil

Rhassoul Clay vs Bentonite Clay for Natural Hair

All these different types of clay offer various benefits to your hair, especially if its natural. For this section, let’s have a look at the difference between ghassoul and bentonite clay.

Rhassoul Clay

Straight from the atlas mountains of Morocco, this ghassoul clay has a deep red hue. Probably attributed to its origins – volcanic ashes. From its Arabic word “Rhassala.” meaning clean, it has excellent capabilities in detoxifying and cleaning,  as well as detangling. This, plus its other benefits, is what has served women’s skins and hairs for centuries.

For the benefits, it;

  • Removes toxins and impurities from the hair and scalp – hence, detoxifier.
  • Moisturizes the hair, keeping it healthy and strong.
  • Stimulates the growth of the hair.
  • Aids in detangling and softening the hair.

Bentonite Clay

This is also from volcanic ashes but it originated from the USA – precisely Fort Benton. Not only is it an excellent detoxifier and purifier for your hair, but it is also known to contain incredibly powerful electrical charges. This means when added to water, it can produce an electric charge, hence perfect for extracting remnants of heavy metals or chemicals from the hair.

Furthermore, it can also be used to clean the interior of your body, that is why it’s equally prevalent. Finally, this healing clay contains a favorably high value of minerals from calcium, silica, iron, potassium, and magnesium. There are claims of various types of this clay but the prevalent one is grey in color.

For the benefits, it;

  • Aids with detangling of the hair
  • Cleans the hair and scalp off oil buildup, dirt, and chemical elements.
  • Improves the health of the hair by introducing minerals like calcium, iron, silica, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Increases curl definition
  • Improves flow and shine on the hair
  • Reduces frizz in the hair
  • Improves and restores the ph balance of the hair.

In summary, both clays are very beneficial to the hair. They both present different types of features, including moisture, strength, and rigidity. They can both draw out toxins and absorbs excess oils from the hair. But ghassoul clay is pricier because it’s not easily found like bentonite clay.

Either way, the clays offer excellent benefits for natural hair.

Can You Use Bentonite & Rhassoul Clays together?

No, you can’t and shouldn’t use these two clays together. Why? Well, they have different mineral components and chemical compounds, which means they can have adverse side effects once used together. Here are some differences between the two that can offset your hair’s balance;

  • Rhassoul clay is filled with more nutrients than bentonite clay. Therefore no need to overlap by using both clays.
  • Rhassoul clay is more nourishing and softening than bentonite. Hence your hair could feel rough if you mix both ingredients.
  • They don’t have the same detangling capabilities.
  • They have different ph balances, which could change your hair’s texture in the course.

Even though they have amazing benefits to your hair, they’re not meant to be used together because of their counteractive abilities. 

Other Clay Types for Hair


Is there Rhassoul Clay Powder for Hair?

Rhassoul clay powder is available for both skin and hair purposes. If you’d like to use the powder, you’ll have to DIY a hair wash or mask using the recipes above. Otherwise, other store-bought options, include hair conditioner using ghassoul as an active ingredient.

Does Rhassoul Clay Help  With Hair Growth?

Yes, it does. By aiding to clean the pores on the scalp, the clay allows for the scalp to breathe and moisture to get it. Seeing as it acts a moisturizer, cleanser, purifier, and softener, all these go hand in hand to give off healthy hair. This then results in hair growth.

Which is the Best Rhassoul Clay (Brands) for Hair?

There are several brands mentioned here and there that offer the authentic rhassoul clay. These brands include;

  • Aramine
  • Clear Lee
  • Poppy Austin
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